Today was the first day of school for UNC and as I walked into Kepner to get a paper signed before I leave, I felt weird that I wasn't attending any classes. Kepner was quiet but at the same time the parking lots were full and you knew it was filled with students preparing for another semester at UNC. I do not start class til September 30th which is kind of a relief. I don't think I would have been ready to go to class today. Summer seemed to fly by.
I only have eight days left until I leave for Europe and I still have a list of 100 things to do before I leave. I officially have five more days of work, a baby shower to go to to, possibly a nephew being born and packing my life away for four months. But in the good news, I have all my plane tickets for Europe, all my paper work ready for school, and an apartment waiting for me to arrive. Who knew that there were so many things to fill out to make it even possible for you to attend a University outside of the United States! I have learned a few phrases the last week, hopefully they can help me out a little while I am there.
Dove si trova un negozio di caffè?
Io sono intollerante al lattosio.
Dov'è il bagno?
Clearly I don't know too much about the language but I will try hard! So with eight days to go, I have decided to haul a suitcase because ultimately my camera takes up too much space. But now I won't be worried to have only two sets of clothing.
Wish me luck getting my life together before I leave!
-To view an album of photos of my adventures, visit under European Travels. The folder will be up and running September 6th, 2013!