14 February 2014

Back to Reality

Well it's been five weeks since I have been back in good ol' Colorado. I have been meaning to post one last blog but as we know, life gets busy when you are back in reality. I am back to the same life that I once left five months ago. It's a love/hate relationship. I love being able to have a steady routine where I know what I am doing everyday, but I do miss the ability to hop on a train and head to a different city. One of the greatest things I have learned about myself while being back is that adjusting is hard, both leaving and coming home. People are not the same as when I left, I have a different perspective on the world, but mostly, I miss meeting new people.

Here is a fun fact about who has seen and read my blog in the four months that I was in Europe:

United States
Czech Republic
United Kingdom

Total Number or Views: Pageview chart 2302
The only country that didn't read my blog that I went to was the Netherlands and France!

I have been so lucky this semester! I have met exchange students from Spain, France and a friend from Trieste as well. It makes happy to know that they are experiencing what I just got home from. It's amazing how close Europe really is to me here in Greeley. While I may not be going to a foreign country for a little while, that doesn't mean I can't show how beautiful America really is. Although it was fun to see if the grass is greener on the other side, Colorado will always be my home.

My initial journey is over, but I am just in the beginning of the next.

“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote and I know that I shall be happily infected for the rest of my life.”
