Autumn is finally here. Burgundy, gold, oranges and a slight hint of
brown with still many areas of dark greens filled the Collio hills. Vineyards
raced for miles. Once again, all I could do was breath. The air was fresh. The
sky was clear and all I could think about was how lucky I am.
We started our ride from Pieris and traveled through the town of Gorizia,
in Friuli – Venezia Giulia, to ride through the Collio Hills. We took a back
road called the street of wine “strada del vino.” The first place we stopped
was in San Floriano Del Collio, where I was able to get off the bike the first
time to stretch my legs and of course shoot the lovely wine country.
After traveling through the Collio
Hills, I could only imagine what Tuscany will look like this coming weekend
when I travel to Florence on Wednesday. In the afternoon we arrived in Grado, a
small town off the coast of Italy. We walked through the old cobble stone
streets named “Calle” which reminded me much of the labyrinth roads of Venice.
This area in Grado that we explored is named “Grado Vecchia” which means old
Grado. The seaside was spectacular. The soft blue covered the horizon making it
difficult to see where the sea ended and the sky begin. It looked almost like a
painting I have done last semester. The beach was empty and the pier had a few
quiet footsteps occupying the space.
Once the blue became dark, and the
streetlights appeared, we drove to a small town named San Martino d’Aquileia to
partake in the Pumpkin Festival where an area of the town brought back the look
of medieval times. The smell of fire and
food filled the crisp air of fall.
I had a brilliant Saturday.
To view more photos from my day please visit Hannah Swick Photography- Collio Hills
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