04 September 2013

Four Countries to Pass Through Before School!

Left to Right: Ivanna, Me, Bryan, Kayla
Today I leave for Dublin, Ireland to start my journey to Trieste, Italy to study not only my major, but to learn about cultures and ultimately myself. If I have learned anything in my 20 years of living, it is that I was made to travel the world. I have been counting down since November 2012 to when I will be studying in a different county, and when I woke up this morning I could hardly believe that I would be leaving the town that I have lived in practically all my life and saying good-bye to my loving parents who have raised me to be the woman I am today. With all the excitement rushing through me today, I am glad to finally say that I am no longer going to count down the days to graduation or even my birthday because I want to enjoy the time I will be living in Italy, far from anything or anyone that I will know. I wasn't really nervous until I realized that no matter how prepared I thought I would be to live for the first time in a different country, I would never be prepared enough for everything I will be taking in for the next 120 days. 

Everything I am bringing to Europe for the next four months!  

My early Thanksgiving dinner in September, also my last dinner before I head off to Europe!

Denver International Airport

Heading to Dublin, Ireland!

My view for 8 hours from Boston to Dublin!

Ci vediamo a gennaio i miei amici 

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