09 September 2013

Platform 9 3/4

After getting into the city around 13:00, we toured the Natural History Museum of London, London's Tower and viewed London's Bridge from the castle. It was a fortress for sure! Medieval history is quite fascinating, although very gory. Today was relaxing. The rain made everything seem more like the typical "London" weather that we are always hearing about, but it was beautiful. I would write more about my day but I honestly believe photos can explain it more to you! Enjoy!!

To View more photos from London please visit Hannah Swick Photography
To View photos from my Warner Bro's Tour of the Harry Potter set visit Harry Potter by Hannah Swick Photography
Doing Some Ballet In Front of London's Bridge.


Entrance of London's Tower

London's Tower

Subway in London

Platform 9 3/4

Just On My Way To Hogwarts!

King's Cross Station, London, England.

London's Bridge, England.

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